Cellulite affects women of all shapes and sizes – not just celebrities caught on camera at the beach. Dr. Susan Van Dyke describes cellulite, explains how it forms, and shares if exercise can prevent this condition.
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So, Cellulite.

What is that?

Asked Daria, our 19 year old PR intern. To which we responded

But for most women in their mid 20s or over, you will know cellulite as that dimpled, fatty skin in the butt, thighs, and tummy that looks like delicious delicious cottage cheese. Mm cottage cheese. The stuff they love to catch famous people having in those magazines you read at the hairdresser.

The fact is – cellulite affects 85–98% of post‐pubertal females of all races. And if you Google “Cellulite” it seems that every cosmetic company out there has found a miracle treatment cream to get rid of it.

But do any of these creams actually work? Well, as we all suffer from cellulite we decided it was high time to apply our critical science thinking to this question!


But what even is cellulite?

Cellulite is just fat deposits; so if you’re fat – you’re going to have cellulite. But why is cellulite a lady thing – and not a man thing?? Well, women have more body fat then men, particularly on their legs, booty and tummy – to protect the reproductive organs… so we can continue the the human race!

There have only been a few dozen peer‐reviewed articles devoted to cellulite in the medical literature in the past 30 years.

A study published in the 2004 Journal of Cosmetic and Laser Therapy found “There are no truly effective treatments for cellulite.” And so you can see why they didn’t bother studying it further.

A study called “So Called Cellulite” published in the National Center for Biotechnology Information, points out that cellulite is a completely normal part of being human, is present in the majority of women, and is futile to try to change. So why do we think of it as a problem?

Now – what is important to note is the fact that cosmetic companies are allowed to sell this stuff over the counter – so it means that their claims of eliminating cellulite aren’t true.

BEC: Wait, what?

See, cellulite is fat under the skin and only drugs can have a long term, physical impact on the body internally. If a cream affects the body or changes physiology it’s a drug, Drugs and have to be approved by the FDA – so you know they work. BUT If it temporarily alters appearance at the surface its a cosmetic.

So by definition, a cellulite cream that you put on your skin – while it may go through to your under skin layers – it doesn’t change your internal physiology – so it can do sh** all for internal issues – like fat deposits.

If you say that you have a “Cellulite busting thigh treatment” – because in America there is no one authority who can say you cant lie on your product labeling. In Australia we have the consumer watchdog commission – but here, there’s nothing like this.

Now – keeping all that in mind, my skeptical ScIQers – let’s take a look at some cellulite treatments:

Botany Arabica Cofffee Scrub – Anti-Cellulite!

It claims that:

“Caffeine is the #1 enemy of Cellulite & when applied religiously, it has been shown to reduce the appearance of cellulite.” – THAT’S A LIE

There have been no studies that confirm that caffeine is the number one enemy of cellulite.

Some moisturizers, like this one, can temporarily change the appearance of your skin – but that happens with ANY moisturizer… and usually only for the time it takes for the moisturizer to soak into you skin.

Clinically proven? Just – no. We’ve already discussed caffeine. If there was a legitimate link to caffeine treating fat deposits – it would be a drug. They haven’t sourced any clinical studies, which is probably why it was featured in ripoff report two years ago. And yet people still pay money for it.
Beauty myths busted.




This video is presented by Jayde Lovell, Directed by Mizanur Rahman and edited by Sarita Liu at YouTube Space NYC.

Produced by Jayde Lovell and Bec Susan Gill. ScIQ is a partner of the The Young Turks Network.

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